I just learned about this amazing Chinese animator from one of my professor's blogs. Unfortunately, it was because he has recently past away. Is work is so enchanting and inspiring. I hope you enjoy it.
Grad school has been keeping me swamped and now with some time off between semesters I have been catching up on a number of personal animation and illustration projects that have been on the back burner for too long. One nice thing is that I have been trying to get in some more figure drawing and decided to do a self portrait since I haven't done one in a long while. I am pretty happy with how it turned out considering it was done late at night my time preference of choice when it comes to all of my artistic endeavors. Hope you enjoy. -DM
Here is a sketch I did last week of Iris West as The Flash. I am really enjoying the CW's Flash and thought it would be cool to see Iris as that character. I have a new video on my channel too. Please check it out! -DM
Growing up aside from the Ninja Turtles most of my favorite shows were on Fox Kids and mostly from Saban. Above is a cover from one of several Fox Kids magazines that were sent to me as a kid. The price says $1.00 but I never paid for them. One day they just started sending them to me. My guess would be because I would enter contests they held and they knew I was a long time watcher but who knows. As a kid all I knew is that they would send me one every month or so. One issue they sent said it would be the last one because they wanted to save paper but I think it was because they were canceling the Fox Kids block. Some great shows I remember were Power Rangers, VR Troopers, Beetleborgs, Godzilla the animated series,Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog, Digimon, Beast Wars, and Beast Machines. Above is one of the covers from a 1998 issue. Good times. -DM
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